Your Guide to State Services


The kidcentral tn State Services Directory is an online listing of state-operated and state-funded programs. From here, you can find information and connect to thousands of programs available to Tennessee families, children and parents—many available at no cost—all with the click of a button. Many services are provided regardless of family income level.

The State Services Directory is tailored to your needs. When you type in your ZIP code, the directory will automatically display the services and programs nearest you. You can also use search terms and age ranges to narrow your search. 

It’s easy to find what you need. Either:

• Type a topic or question into the SEARCH bar. Be sure to include your zip code.
- OR -
• Click the VIEW ALL SERVICES button to browse listings of available services from across the state.

Get started now. Find answers, get information and help your family become part of a healthier, happier Tennessee!