Family Support Program


The Family Support Program is funded by state dollars and is designed to assist individuals (no age requirement) with a severe or developmental disability to remain in their homes and communities.  Some of the services can include, but are not limited to: respite care, personal assistance, before/after care, homemaker services, minor home modifications and vehicular modifications, specialized equipment maintenance and repair, specialized nutrition, clothing, and supplies....

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the Family Support Program a family must have a family member with a severe or developmental disability.   A family may be: - a unit that consists of either a person with a severe or developmental disability and the parent, relative, or other caregiver who resides in the same household, or - a person with a sever developmental disability who lives alone without such support.  The individual must be a full-time Tennessee resident at time of application and when services are delivered.  The family/individual must be living in the community in an unsupported setting.  (A supported setting is a setting that is state or federally funded and includes supportive services, e.g., institutions (ICF/IID), and state funded foster homes.  The individual must be a non-recipient of HCBS Waiver.  (HCBS waiver services include, but are not limited to, supported living, community based day (CB Day) services, or CHOICES.  Persons receiving these services are not eligible for Family Support services.)  An individual with a severe or developmental disability has a disability that: - is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or a combination of physical and mental impairments; - is likely to continue indefinitely; - results in substantial functional limitations in three or more of the following areas of major life activity: - self-care - receptive and expressive language - learning - mobility - self direction - capacity for independent living - economic self-sufficiency; and - reflects the person's need for special, interdisciplinary or generic care, treatment, or other services that are of lifelong duration and must be individually planned and coordinated.

How to get started

  1.  Phone
  2. Other
  3. Find the location closest to you below, and use their contact information.

Ages Served

  • All Ages of Children

Address 1 Address 2 Times Phone Email Web

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