Healthy Families Sullivan County


Healthy Families Sullivan County is an evidence-based home visiting program that is available in Sullivan County, TN. Healthy Families of Sullivan County partners with local community resources to engage overburdened families in home visiting services prenatally or at birth. Our home visitors cultivate and strengthen nurturing parent-child relationships, promote healthy childhood growth and development, and enhance family functioning by reducing risk and building protective factors. Our home visitors are trained in Ages and Stages Questionnaires, Prenatal and Postnatal Edinburgh Depression scale, HITS screenings, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and are Trauma Informed. All curriculum is evidence based. Healthy Families Sullivan County is working to strengthen and build more nurturing families both physically and mentally. Call us today to speak to a Healthy Families Sullivan County employee to learn more.

Eligibility Requirements

  • First-time parent 
  • Teen parent
  • Prenatal parent
  • High-risk family 
  • Developmental delays
  • Low income as defined by 250 percent or less of the Federal Poverty Level 
  • Are in families that include individuals who are serving or have formerly served in the Armed Forces 

  1.  Phone
  2.  Email
  3. Find the location closest to you below, and use their contact information.

City Agency Address 1 Address 2 Times Phone Email Web

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