Oasis Center Action Advocacy and Education


•We empower young people to be catalysts for social change by helping them develop life skills, a sense of purpose, make healthy choices, and create change in their lives and in the community on issues that matter to them. •450 served annually through an evidenced based model, Teen Outreach Program, that incorporates service learning and leadership groups that reduce the incidence of substance use, school failure, pregnancy, recidivism, cultural adjustment issues, and behavioral problems.

Eligibility Requirements

Middle or High School aged youth who are considered high risk of alcohol and other drug use and abuse primarily in Davidson County. We prioritize serving youth in these selective populations: juvenile offender, LGBTQI, low performance/truancy/at risk of dropping out of schools with high poverty rates, or acculturating immigrants and refugees. Statewide, we indirectly serve an additional 1,000 foster care youth annually through training and coaching congregate care and juvenile justice staff on implementing the Teen Outreach Program.

How to get started

  1.  Phone
  2.  Email
  3.  Walk-In
  4. Other
  5. Find the location closest to you below, and use their contact information.

Ages Served

  • Ages 11-13
  • Ages 14-16
  • Ages 17-18

City Address1 Address 2 Times 1 Phone Email Web Map

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