The Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) is a set of statewide assessments designed to measure student achievement of and progress toward the state academic standards. These assessments help identify students who may be struggling, while providing tools to assist teachers and schools in educational planning and methods.
- TNReady became the state’s new and improved TCAP test for English language arts and math in grades 3-11.The TNReady TCAP tests are designed to assess true student understanding and not just basic memorization and test-taking skills. TNReady will measure student understanding of our current state standards in English language arts and math, not the previous SPIs.
- High school students take End of Course (EOC) exams for U.S. History, Biology I and Chemistry. The results of these exams are factored into the student’s grade, and count as 25 percent of the second-semester grade.
With TCAP Achievement, TNReady, and EOC tests, student results are reported to parents, teachers and administrators and can be found on the Data Releases page or the annual Report Card, which comes out each fall.
When is the test given to Tennessee students?
The complete testing schedule for grades K-2 is available here. Schools will administer tests during this window.
The complete testing schedule for grades 3-12 is available here. Schools will administer tests during this window.
The tests are broken down into segments, which students take over several days.
What are the accommodations for special populations?
Certain accommodations or modifications to the test environment/procedure may be made available to students, depending on their needs. To learn more, click testing accommodations.
How will the scores be used?
The results are provided to teachers and school administrators to help them address the instructional needs of Tennessee students. They may be used as one measure of student achievement during the current school year.
How can I prepare my child for these tests?
Below are some suggestions, but please visit or talk with your student's teacher for more information. Also, be sure to look through the TNReady Parent Guidebook for more in-depth information about the assessment.
During the school year, parents should:
- Communicate any concerns you may have regarding your child’s performance immediately.
- Be aware of your school’s testing dates and times.
- Set aside daily study time, and be sure that your child completes all homework assignments.
- Regularly discuss schoolwork with your child.
- Praise your child for hard work and good effort.
- Encourage your child to ask questions at home and in class.
- Discuss the importance of long-term goals and a good education with your child.
On the day of testing, parents should:
- Provide a healthy breakfast for your child.
- Make sure that your child attends school.
- Be sure that your child is at school on time and relaxed.
- Encourage your child to do the best work possible.
- Not cause your child any unnecessary stress regarding the test.