The Importance of Fatherhood and Helping Kids Thrive


According to the U.S. Census Bureau, over 19 million children, or more than 1 in 4 children, live without a father in the home. Do you ever think about how important dads and father figures are in our lives? Well, let’s talk about it! The CDC indicates that research has largely focused on mothers. However, recent findings suggest that fathers may parent in ways that differ from mothers, and therefore represent an additional opportunity to support the health and well-being of their teens—separate from the influence of mothers. Father’s and father-figures play a big role in children’s lives and its super important. Here’s why:

1. Love and Support: Dads show love and support to their kids in many ways. Offering hugs, encouragement, and support day in and out. Knowing that dads and father figures are there can make kids feel safe and happy.

2. Teaching Life Skills: Dads can teach lots of things children need to grow up. This can include riding a bike, fixing a car, or helping with homework. Dads can help children feel independent.

3. Being a Role Model: Dads and male role models can be viewed as heroes. They can teach children about hard work, honesty and support discipline. Learn more tips by visiting AFIRM.

4. Encouraging Dreams: Dads can encourage children to chase their dreams. Weather it is to become a doctor, teacher, or athlete. Dads can be there to cheer their kids every step of the way.

The Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) fatherhood grant program is a significant investment in the health and well-being of Tennessee society. Through this program, TDHS seeks to collaborate with public, private, and non-profit organizations to promote fatherhood and provide the necessary support to empower fathers. The grant program will provide funding to organizations to support projects to advance the essential role of fathers in Tennessee society. Broadly, TDHS seeks to fund grants that directly invest into services for fathers. Click here to learn more.

So, you can see, dads and father figures are super important! They help our kids grow, learn, and become the best versions of ourselves. This Father’s Day let’s give a big shoutout to all the awesome dads and role models out there for all they do to help our kids thrive.

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